A 20m route, starts out with an easy slab, then gets progressively vertical and even a bit overhanging in places. The harder moves are towards the top, in the overhanging parts, that you have to make over on smaller holds and high feet, but not overly difficult. There are a lot of rest places a bit to the right of the route if you get tired or pumped.You cannot see the top from the last quickdraw, so you kind of have to trust that there is a top, as you climb an overhang to a top slab. You can't see the top from the bottom either. There's a 25m route to the left of this one with the same top but different start and beginning, that traverses into the same top bolts (Lambda - 5c), that I didn't redpoint the previous day in the only attempt on it, because I couldn't see the top from the last quickdraw. You get the impression that there isn't one, so I hesitated and stopped on the last quickdraw, looking around for the top. I finally convinced myself that there must be a top, I'm just not seeing it and performed the last moves, sure enough it is there tucked behind the top slab. Not the best decision by the route setter. It's a bit disconcerting not being able to see where the top is as you climb above the last quickdraw, downclimbing that portion would be hard if there was no top.